Wednesday, September 27, 2006

They Stopped & Watched!

I had a real cool experience a couple of Sundays ago. We were having a beach baptism celebration in Ft. Lauderdale. There most have been 500 people or more at the beach. I can't remember ever being at the beach with so many friends all at the same time!
At the moment of truth, when the "ceremony" began, I noticed this other group of people. they had been riding some water artifacts, BUT they stopped at the distance like wondering what was going on at the shore. It made me feel so good. I am sure they guessed what it was. They hang on for a while. As I saw them I hoped that one day they might have a story to share too. Just think about it. Isn't it cool that we have something to say? A story to share. I'm in!!! I am proud and happy to continue this journey with my Flamingo family!

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