Friday, July 27, 2007

How predictable are you?

Jorge had a video shoot yesterday. We needed some extras to be in the audience so we invited some friends, posted some bulletins on myspace, and sent out a few emails. We were not sure what kind of turn out to expect so we prepared for the worse case scenario. It turned out to be great!

My problem was with some of the predictions we made. You see, a few of the friends we invited have been very easy to predict as not coming through in the past. Yet, they commit again and you trust them again. I was mad and could not decide if I was mad because they let me down again or because I trusted them again.

What kind of predictions do people make about you? I have been thinking about it in my own life. I would like for my friends to be able to predict love, kindness, patience, perseverance, joy, peace, goodness and all of those good things... But, do they?

Lord, help my friends make good predictions of me today!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ready or not, here I come!

My brother passed away this past July 7th. I don't think you can ever be ready to hear this kind of news. Honestly, I wasn't even sure how much I cared. What my reaction would be. We lived on different countries, different lifestyles, and different states of mind. He was the heartbreaker of the town. Successful with the ladies and friends with all. Excelled at every sport and charmed anyone with his funny speech. Not so good with business and not so successful with long term relationships.

Carlos was living his life as if on a race and lost it to inmaturity. He caused all of us who loved him a great deal of pain. We wanted to be wrong, but we weren't. Life must be lived wisely. Our choices will have consecuences and many are eternal. I thank God that not all was lost with him. At the very end of his race, he looked up and recognized his need of a Savior. He accepted his bad ways and asked God in his heart. And yes, God welcomed him into His presence at only 42.

Many things were never said. We had so many conversations pending... I don't think I was ready to see him go, but ready or not, it was his time to go.

Relationships have a new meaning for me. I realize now that it is not worth it to get tired of the fight. We must press on loving, and caring, and sharing, and being patient because we never know how many opportunities we have.

Do you have a "Carlos" in your life? Have you said it all already? Could you love a little more? Could you share just a little more? Could you have just a little bit more patience? Do!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Making a stop along the way

Every time we've taken the road for a long trip, we make a stop or two. Of course, when the kids were younger the number of stops was higher, or I was prepared with a "pp" cup. Even though you get to a point that you just want to desperately reach your final destination, it is nice to stop and strech your legs.

Even better if you stop for a nice Starbucks fill up or for a scenic view (depending on the mood).
You see, many times we make it be about the destination forgetting how important it is the getting there. I am not too patient, so many times I just see the end, the last stop, the destination and don't make time in my "always thinking mind" to be quiet and take in what's happening between here and there.

Actually, you don't even need to take the road to make that insightful stop. I just did today. I took a look at my journey here and reflected on the portion left to my journey "there." I missed many pretty scenic views on the way here, many Starbucks and Popeye's chicken. But, I am willing to stop and enjoy the rain when I am stuck at home. I will stop to have a conversation with my neighbor. I will stop to listen to my daughter. At least today I will. Tomorrow, I'll continue with my journey.