Friday, July 27, 2007

How predictable are you?

Jorge had a video shoot yesterday. We needed some extras to be in the audience so we invited some friends, posted some bulletins on myspace, and sent out a few emails. We were not sure what kind of turn out to expect so we prepared for the worse case scenario. It turned out to be great!

My problem was with some of the predictions we made. You see, a few of the friends we invited have been very easy to predict as not coming through in the past. Yet, they commit again and you trust them again. I was mad and could not decide if I was mad because they let me down again or because I trusted them again.

What kind of predictions do people make about you? I have been thinking about it in my own life. I would like for my friends to be able to predict love, kindness, patience, perseverance, joy, peace, goodness and all of those good things... But, do they?

Lord, help my friends make good predictions of me today!

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