Friday, April 25, 2008

I am a "dream girl."

I have been dreaming for years. It has been the same dream. Sometimes it has special effects; some other times, it might be very glamorous; and at other times, it is very selfless and giving. But always the same dream.

I've had to give up many things for my dream. I've had to sacrifice much to stay focused through the years. But, I've also had a lot of fun seeing God do his part.

One thing I've learned in this business of dreaming is that the fulfilment of my dreams and my fulfilment as a person, does not come from seeing it happen, but for believing it is happening. It is not so much about the destination, it is entirely about the journey.

I am not dreaming alone. I am not walking alone. When tired on the road, a little rest and food for the soul always do the trick, and then, on to wherever my dreamgiver takes me.

What do you live for? What is your dream?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Mirage

As a christian, I've learned to walk my dessert many times. It is always the same thing. Walk, walk, walk... eat dust, get dry, complain, see a mirage... then eat manna from heaven and walk through the red sea.

Why do we eat the dust? Is it really because it looks like water, or because we forget the difference?

Why do we complain? How can we forget the times we've been rescued before?

To tell you the truth, I don't like the dessert. I strongly dislike manna. Mirages make me feel stupid.

I can't wait to walk through the red sea!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

A Friend is Always a Friend (Prov. 17:17)

Some friends don't help, but a true friend is closer than your own family. (Prov. 18:24)

The longer I live the smarter I get. Isn't that nice!? Really... I've come to realize that true friendship has very little to do with the time you spend with someone. It is more about the commitment of cheering someone on, even from a distance, even when things are not going so well.

I have been very blessed to have a few of those in my life. Just last night I realized how wonderful it is to be under their influence.

Thank you Heather! It doesn't matter how I feel, you always cheer me up and encourage me to press on. I know how busy you are, but you always have time for me. Just the fact that you wanted me to go to Italy so bad, like if it was your thing... gave me the courage to wish on and believe it can be.

Thank you Diana! It doesn't matter what it is, I can tell you about it. I can disturb your sleep, get you out of work, have you get on a plane, just because... you are my friend.

Thank you Mariela! I've never seen so much undeserved faithfulness. I've invested so little in your life, yet you are always sure to speak such beautiful and powerful words into my life. I am sure when your Mom looks down she has a huge smile on her face.