Monday, February 23, 2009

My blender story

I was in the mood for a delicious smoothie. All the ingredients were in and I was ready to enjoy it. I kept turning the switch on but no luck. My blender would not work. I moved the cord, took the jar off and put it back on...nothing. Then I noticed the plug was off.

The blender was in perfect condition. Good engine, good cord. The recipe was perfect, fresh berries, ice, some peaches. Yet, no smoothie until we got some "power".

Knowing me, my daughter said: "you're gonna blog about that". Of course I would.

If we are not "plugged" we are like my blender. Powerless. Useless. What can we do with a great-working engine and all the right ingredients —charm, friendliness, eloquence, whatever they might be— if we are not plugged to our source?

Thank you Jesus for being there waiting, wishing, hoping, we stay connected!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Brother!

You would have been 44 today.
You could have been with us, but you are not.
I miss the idea of you but, I won't blame you.
I am happy you are there, I surely will come too, hopefully not so soon.
There is one big truth in life, you either make Jesus your savior and go to heaven eternally, or you don't. I am so glad you were smart enough to make the best choice.
See you,
Your sister

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Investing in People's Lives

It is funny how opinionated we can be when it comes to judging other's abilities to fullfil their calling or reach their highest potential in life. We can see from the outside what to us seems like the problem or stumbling block.
What a difference it makes when we take the same sight or scenario and instead of finding the fault we make a deposit, an investment.
I am greatful for people who have seen potential in me to do this or that and have decided to invest a seed of love, intelligence, material good, or anything that I have been able to use to become a more useful person.
I am wondering who is needing a deposit from me today. Do you know anyone who could benefit from your generosity in any way?

Friday, February 06, 2009


Of course I watched the movie! I went to the theaters when it came out and we pre-order it to support it. Now we are telling all our friends about it. It made us cry. And then I have been thinking....

Is your marriage fireproof? I dare say mine is. Because of me? Nope. Because of Jorge? Definetely not. If it depended on us, our marriage might not even be in existance today. I am not sure. 20 years is a long time. There are so many flaws in both of us. Gosh, we could be so complex at times. I am not sure we could have survived each other if it weren't for God's mercy. His grace, his guidance, his strength. He has been the best ally to our relationship. We are even happy! People can't believe we are so in love. But yes, we are. And the best part of it is that we don't have to fear it will change, because it does not depend on us. Yes, we have to work at it and want to do well, but God takes care of the rest.

Thank you God for giving me something that is real, actually, someone who is real. Thank you because he made a promise to you that he'd be by me til we die and he is even happy about it.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Who is that?

A few years ago, after going through a series of difficulties I put on some weight. I mean "some" weight. The thing is that you normally go up and down 5-10 pounds and that is kind of normal. You keep on watching what you eat, adjust your amount of junk intake, and listo! But this one time I wasn't being aware of it. I kept on growing and growing until I saw a picture. My gosh "who is that?" I asked myself. I couldn't believe I was "that thing" on the picture. Not that being big makes you a thing, but that is how I felt. I knew better. My health was spiraling downward and now my self-steem was tempted to follow.

I had a choice to make. Not an easy one. It was a decision I had to make for myself. I did. And I am happy. Hey, I am not Cindy Crawford, not even Queen Latifah, but I am happy.
It is good to look at the reflection in the mirror or in a picture. What would we see if we took a peek today? I hope and pray that whatever it is you see, will empower you with courage to change whatever needs changing, and encouragement to continue to groom that beauty God has put in you!

Be loved and accepted today!