Sunday, February 01, 2009

Who is that?

A few years ago, after going through a series of difficulties I put on some weight. I mean "some" weight. The thing is that you normally go up and down 5-10 pounds and that is kind of normal. You keep on watching what you eat, adjust your amount of junk intake, and listo! But this one time I wasn't being aware of it. I kept on growing and growing until I saw a picture. My gosh "who is that?" I asked myself. I couldn't believe I was "that thing" on the picture. Not that being big makes you a thing, but that is how I felt. I knew better. My health was spiraling downward and now my self-steem was tempted to follow.

I had a choice to make. Not an easy one. It was a decision I had to make for myself. I did. And I am happy. Hey, I am not Cindy Crawford, not even Queen Latifah, but I am happy.
It is good to look at the reflection in the mirror or in a picture. What would we see if we took a peek today? I hope and pray that whatever it is you see, will empower you with courage to change whatever needs changing, and encouragement to continue to groom that beauty God has put in you!

Be loved and accepted today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...