Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Are you the kind of person that can decide easily what to wear, what to eat, where to go, what to do on your day off? If you are, that is great and you belong with me. I am a fast thinker and won't fuss much about choosing.

I can make decisions in a flash, I think, good ones. At work, is part of every day functioning to make decisions and you need to be prepared to make them without much error.

At home, that is another story. Two teenagers and a husband! You see, I didn't say making a decision was easy or fun, I just said I can make them most of the time. When it comes to permission for an outing, or money, or school stuff is really not a big deal. But when it comes to affecting our lives and the lives of those whom we love, or changing radically our routines or familiarities, then, even people like me become whimpies and have a hard time deciding.

I am a whimpie today. I have to rely on God to make me strong. He can. I know if He is leading the way there is no reason to fear.

God, I decide to trust you with everything today!

1 comment:

Heather Palacios said...

Ah, that was such a sweet post. You are such a strong, confidant woman...you inspire me to rely on God even when He wires us to be strong & confidant.