Thursday, August 16, 2007

Do you have a story to tell?

My daughter Sainad came very excited from HS camp. She was telling me all about it and that the last night was the best ever. She said that they were all crying. I asked her why. It was "say so" night where people would get up and share. Many of them, deep-hurting stories. I asked if she shared and she said no. So I asked why. She said something like when you hear what God has done in some people's lives and they have gone through you don't have anything to say about your life.

My first thought was "thank you God because so far you have protected my baby girl from having a big story to tell".

My second thought was "how great it is when God puts our little things in perspective seeing what others endure".

But, my last thought was that we do have an important story to tell. Maybe we don't have an eating disorder, or maybe we were not abused or healed from cancer. But God did save our lives from eternal darkness and dispair. He did change our sadness into dancing. And he has given us a reason to live, a purpose to fight for.

I do have a story to tell! Do you?


Anonymous said...

Everyone has a story. We all need to get better at sharing them. Authenticity is the key!

Heather Palacios said...

Good word, girl. Keep blogging - you are gonna reach & change the internet world.