Saturday, August 18, 2007

Naked...but how naked? Completely naked?

The first thing I do when I get up in the morning is fix my "abundant" hair and put make up on. I get dressed nicely even to clean the house. Nothing stained, nothing torn, nothing wrinkled; it most be coordinated. Now, this is the routine even when Jorge is out of town or when I am not going to see anybody.
To some, I should get naked here. But you see, I don't think that is where my naked battle is. My naked battle is one step in front of a hypocritical smile I might display when I feel like crying. The battle is on when I declare one of God's promises on provision and I'm screaming inside how much I lack. It is complicated. You want to be honest, yet you don't want to sound whiny and needy. You want to be transparent, but you fear rejection when you are exposed.

It is easier to put on the mask and go on without owning any of your darkness and without exposing it to any light. It is much easier to build up walls of strength and courage with a few verses and move on. But does that really mend the broken pieces inside? Does it really make me prettier on the outside?

God, you see the real me. You see the broken pieces, the old wounds and the bleeding of the heart. You see me without. There is no place to hide. Please, God, help show my true colors and not blend in with the circumstances or pressures of the moment. I want to be the me You see. The one You created me to be!


Jorge said...

Great word. Be encouraged today. God is in the making of something real wonderful, not just in your inside, but something that will display even in the outside. This way, ALL will be able to see his glory. I love you, naked woman!!


LiZ the MiZ said...

Our daily struggle...His loving Hand. Thank you for this!!!

Pris said...

Great example of nakedness! You're not alone...many of us, if not all, face the very same struggle...I know I do. Lucky for us, there's enough God to help us all. Much love...

Anonymous said...

Naked! Haven't been in so long.
So hard to expose your real self. When everbody knows you to be strong, how can you show them you are weak. When everybody sees you as a leader, how can you let them know you are just following the current of your daily life just to survive. When everyone thinks your life is perfect, how can you let them know it is crashing down on you.
Thank God for people like you.